When all else fails
When you can't get a document out of the Print queue, here's a suggestion:
Type "
services.msc" at the Command prompt. That will open the Services
Scroll down the alphabetical list in the right window pane until you come
to "
Print Spooler"
Right-click this entry, then select "
Open Windows Explorer.
The usual path to the spool folder is:
Delete every file within this folder to empty the print queue
Close the explorer window.
Return to your Services window.
Right-click the Print Spool entry and select
Start" from the list. Close the services window and try printing again.
(You can also go to a command prompt and type net stop spooler or net start spooler to start and stop the service.)
For the brave, here’s a macro that will do the job:
@echo off
echo Purging the print queue . . .
net stop Spooler
echo Deleting all print jobs . . .
ping localhost -n 4 > nul
del /q %SystemRoot%\system32\spool\printers\*.*
net start Spooler
echo Done!
ping localhost -n 4 > nul
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