Friday, July 31, 2015

Script Bling

Page spice

Would you like to add an animation to your web page but don't know how to script?
SimplyTheBest.Net has a nice selection that can be easily pasted into your code.

Here are a few examples:
Animated page title script
A script that lets you animate the page title in the browser.
Animated message page
This script displays text messages on an introduction page before redirecting it to another page.
Bouncing image script
A script with which you can make an image bounce across the page.
Circling images
A script that will draw a circle consisting of a set of images around your mouse pointer.
Dynamic animation
This script can be used to fly text or images onto the browser screen from different directions.
Falling images
With this script you can make images fall down and then disappear from your page.
Floating images
A script that will float one or several images around the screen.
Search light
This DHTML script creates a search light effect on images using a start/stop link.
Transition effects
A script you can use to create transitions between images.
Text animation
A script to animate and fade in and/or fade out with text.

Daniel Eden: Animate CSS

See all Topics

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