Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Best of Clementine, The

Not lost and gone

Why write new words and lyrics? They're interchangeable.

" You've heard it sung around the campfires! You've lifted your voice to its haunting melody countless times! Now K-Smel records introduces an all-new collection... The Best Of Clementine! "

  1. The words to Clementine can be sung easily to the tune of certain songs
  2. By extension, the words to these songs can be sung to the tune of Clementine
  3. By further extension, the words and tunes of any of these songs are interchangeable

There is an MP3 file on the site that can be downloaded to illustrate the principal. The Best Of Clementine By Carl Franklin

Original lyrics from: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
How I missed her, how I missed her, How I missed my Clementine, Til I kissed her little sister, And forgot my Clementine.
1885 version:

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