Sunday, November 15, 2015

Free Excel Templates

Financial enlightenment

Matt H. Evans CPA. CMA, CFM has complied a list of 117 free Excel spreadsheets devoted to financial matters.

Here are a few of the entries:
Time Value (xls)
Introduction to time value concepts, such as present value, internal rate of return, etc.
Lease or Buy a Car (xls)
Basic spreadsheet for deciding to buy or lease a car.
Top Five NPV & IRR (xls
Explains Internal Rate of Return, compares projects, etc.
Statements (xls)
Generate a set of financial statements using two input sheets - operational data and financial data.
Business Financial Analysis Template
for start-up businesses from Small Business Technology Center
Income Statement
What If Analysis
Assessment Templates
Set of templates for assessing an organization based on the Malcolm Baldrige Quality Model.

See all Topics

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