Thursday, March 10, 2016

May I have a Word

Vocabulary game

Sometimes what we know is wrong. Try this puzzle to see if you really know what words mean.

"In this etymology game you'll be presented with 10 randomly selected etymology (word origin) or word definition puzzles to solve; in each case the word or phrase is highlighted in bold, and a number of possible answers will be presented. You need to choose the correct answer to score a point for that question. Beware! The false answers will often also seem quite plausible, and some of the true answers are hard to believe, but we have documentation!

What is arachibutyrophobia?
  1. A fear of spiders.

  2. A fear of ingesting too much margarine.

  3. A fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.

  4. A fear of butane lighters.

See all Topics

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