Thursday, December 17, 2015

Animate Window Size

So cool!

The following macro has little or no practical computing value, but it can add a "way cool" element when a worksheet is unhidden.
There are three states that a worksheet can be in; Minimized, Maximized, and Normal.

This macro will gradually resize a worksheet from small to Maximized. The worksheet appears to be growing:

Sub SheetGrow()
Dim x As Integer
With ActiveWindow
.WindowState = xlNormal
.Top = 1
.Left = 1
.Height = 50
.Width = 50

For x = 50 To Application.UsableHeight
.Height = x
Next x

For x = 50 To Application.UsableWidth
.Width = x
Next x

.WindowState = xlMaximized
End With
End Sub

(By Mark William Wielgus)

Also fun:

Sub SheetGrow()

Dim x As Integer, xmax As Integer

With ActiveWindow

.WindowState = xlNormal

.Top = 1

.Left = 1

.Height = 50

.Width = 50

If Application.UsableHeight > Application.UsableWidth Then

xmax = Application.UsableHeight


xmax = Application.UsableWidth

End If

For x = 50 To xmax

If x <= Application.UsableHeight Then .Height = x

If x <= Application.UsableWidth Then .Width = x

Next x

.WindowState = xlMaximized

End With

End Sub

# posted by Joerd

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