Saturday, December 05, 2015

Protect Your Address

Keep the bots at bay

"Spam is an incredible problem and it is getting worse - your e-mail address is a commodity and if you put it on a web page, it WILL eventually be found, spammed and sold to other spammers. The problem is that you have a web page and you need to make it possible for people to send you e-mail from your page but you don't want to get bombarded with spam - what can you do?

First you need to understand what is likely to happen. The most likely scenario is that an e-mail harvesting robot will find your page and look though it trying to find e-mail addresses. This robot may be programmed to look for a particular list of possible characters on either side of the @ in your e-mail address or it may look for the "mailto:" in your e-mail link or any number of other tricks."

PHP Form Mailer With Spam Blocking

<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- Begin user = "myaddress"; domain = "mydomain"; document.write('<a href="\">');
document.write(user + '@' + domain + '</a>');
// End -->
Here goes some text that can be seen if Javascript is disabled.


Software Listing: Mailto
Mailcrawlers and protectors

See all Topics

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