Sunday, July 24, 2016

Control Access Text Alignment

Distribute Text Evenly Within Controls

When you add form or report controls, the Text Align property defaults to General setting: characters align to the left while numbers and dates align to the right.

When you set up controls to act as headings or titles, you can achieve interesting visual results by changing the Text Align setting to Distribute (This is called Justify in Word).

This setting distributes characters within the control evenly to span its entire width.

If you apply this setting to a textbox control, the alignment switches to Left alignment when you click inside the control to allow for easy data entry.
General (Default)
The text aligns to the left; numbers and dates align to the right.
The text, numbers, and dates align to the left.
The text, numbers, and dates are centered.
The text, numbers, and dates align to the right.
The text, numbers, and dates are evenly distributed.

See all Topics

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