Saturday, August 27, 2016

List Field in Access Tables

Bit o' code

When viewing a table that has many fields in Design view, you have to scroll up and down to review the field names.

This can be tiresome when you're referring to them constantly, and particularly when you're working with several tables.

The following code produces a field listing for a given table. This can then be copied to Notepad and printed for easy reference.

Enter the code into a module, substituting your table's name where appropriate.

Open the Debug/Immediate window, type ListFields,

Press Enter to produce the listing.
Sub ListFields()
Dim dbfield As Field
Dim tdf As TableDef

Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set tdf = dbs.TableDefs!NAMEOFYOURTABLE

Debug.Print ""
Debug.Print "Name of table: "; tdf.Name
Debug.Print ""

For Each dbfield In tdf.Fields
Debug.Print dbfield.Name
Next dbfield
End Sub

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