Friday, June 03, 2016

Disable Confirmation

Only for the brave

Access tries to prevent user errors that would have calamitous effects on data or an application by throwing up confirmation boxes before potentially dangerous actions. This provides users with an out before committing irreversible changes to the database.

Although you probably want these confirmation dialog boxes in place for end-users, you may find that they slow your work down too much. You may, also, click through the dialog boxes so quickly that they're essentially ineffective.

If you have a programmer's version of hubris, you can prevent Access from displaying confirmation dialog boxes.

To do so, choose Tools>Options from the menu bar and click on the Edit/Find tab. Then, clear the appropriate check boxes in the Confirm panel that correspond to the dialog boxes you want to suppress.

Finally, click OK.
In 2007+, click the Office logo and then Access Options

Good luck, you've been warned.

See all Topics

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