Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Link to PDF

Hyperlink to page numbers

The article tells how to link to named locations, but in most cases all you'll need is the page number:

Linking to Pages or Destinations Within PDFs
Dan Shea Associate Editor

Linking To Specific Pages
This is significantly simpler than linking to named destinations because it doesn't require any special steps to be taken in the preparation of the PDF file. I personally favor the page-linking method for this reason. In order to link through to a specific PDF page, begin with the domain, as you would for any web link:


Then add the name of the PDF document:


Then append "#page=" followed by the desired page number. For example, if you were looking to link to page 7:


So in all, the HTML link code would be:

<a href="http://www.mydomain.com/myPDF.pdf#page=7">Link text</a>

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